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January 18, 2024
Ben Groppe
This inevitably came with a drastic change of scenery, a great deal of culture shock, and, pertaining to this blog, a considerable decline in world class year round fly fishing waters.
December 1, 2023
Ben Groppe
Luckily, this dilemma allowed me to develop one of the greatest skills an obsessed fly angler can have— Making a fishing trip appear out of thin air.
November 10, 2023
Ben Groppe
Sight fishing for trout can happen across a range of difficulties, but what remains a constant necessity in all scenarios is seeing fish, and the right one at that.
October 6, 2023
Ben Groppe
After two brookie-less seasons, I was back home and rumor had it the nights were getting chillier up North. It was time to hit the road.
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